

A Journal of UC Berkeley Undergraduate Writing

Volume 1 is available here


As lecturers in writing and as writers, Joe and I both understand (at a knee-jerk level which escapes most outside of the discipline) the value of the written word. And as former undergrad and grad students, we both also recognize the worth of literary journals because, as once starving writers striving desperately for a slice of the literary pie, we’ve both been...

Peregrine Issue 1 Release Party and Contributor Celebration

October 17, 2024

Peregrine is UC Berkeley's newest undergraduate student literature journal. The first issue will be releasing soon online and hard copies in December on Amazon.

A huge congratulations to all the students who are now published!

Special shoutout to the first place winners:

Fiction: James Tollen
Poetry: Tafari Alan
Academic Nonfiction: Hannah Lu
One-Act Plays: Flynn Foley Gray...