Berkeley Writing Assessment: College Level Coursework

I have taken an English composition course that may qualify. How do I know if the course I completed will satisfy the ELWR? When will I know? Should I consider taking the Assessment?

A California Community College course that is published on ASSIST under the General Education/Breadth agreement as articulated to ENGLISH R1A or ENGLISH R1B will satisfy Entry Level Writing. You must earn a grade of “C” or better for the course to meet ELWR. Follow the steps below to determine if your California Community College course articulates to ENGLISH R1A or ENGLISH R1B:


In the box labeled “Search below for transferable courses” select:

Academic year...

Can I complete a college level English course in the summer prior to starting at Berkeley in the fall to meet the ELWR?

Yes, you can complete a college level English course if it meets the qualifications for a College Course. If you choose to complete a college level English course in the summer, you may need to wait until the spring term to register for the next course in the Reading & Composition requirement since your college credit likely won’t be posted in time for fall class registration. If you complete a college level English course in the summer and don’t receive a C grade or better, you may choose to complete the Berkeley Writing Assessment (BWA) on a make-up day, or register directly for...

My school offers Dual Enrollment classes at the affiliated college. Will these courses meet the ELWR?

College level coursework must be posted on an official college transcript to be considered for meeting the criteria listed for College Courses and satisfying ELWR. If the college level course you completed is posted on your high school transcript only, it will not satisfy the ELWR.