Margi Wald, M.A. Applied Linguistics, teaches first-year writing, reading, and grammar & vocabulary courses specifically designed for multilingual students. She directs UC Berkeley's Summer English Language Studies program, co-edits The CATESOL Journal, and has extensive experience presenting at and organizing conferences for English language teaching organizations. She co-edited Teaching U.S.-educated Multilingual Student Writers (with Mark Roberge and Kay Losey) and co-authored the textbook Exploring Options in Academic Writing: Effective Vocabulary and Grammar Use (with Jan Frodesen). Her research focuses on corpus-based materials development for and academic literacy development among immigrant ESL students.
- Exploring Options in Academic Writing: Effective Vocabulary and Grammar Use(link is external) (Frodesen & Wald, 2016)
- Teaching U.S.-educated Multilingual Writers: Practices from and for the Classroom(link is external) (Roberge, Losey, & Wald, 2015)
Selected Presentations:
- CATESOL 2022: Design Your Own Vocabulary-building Activities from the Text Up(link is external) (Brun-Mercer & Wald)
- TEFL Kuwait 2021: The Power of Genre: Engaging Students Through Language and Content(link is external)
- TESOL 2021 Presentation: MythBusters 2.0: Research-based L2 Writing Classroom Practices(link is external) (Bennett, Frodesen, Schmitt, & Wald)
- TESOL 2021 Invited Presentation: Moving On(line): Tips for Planning Virtual Conferences and Professional Development (link is external) (Gaer, Pascucci, & Wald)
- TESOL 2019 Slides: Developing Vocabulary and Word Knowledge Through Writing: Harnessing the Potential (link is external)(Bennett, Frodesen, Schmitt, & Wald)
- For more presentation slides, see (link is external)
- Reconceptualizing and implementing assignments for online instruction. CATESOL (2020)
- Lost and found–and lost again? Long-term immigrant students in the age of the international student influx. (2016). In C. Ortmeier-Hooper & T. Ruecker. Linguistically diverse immigrant and resident writers: Transitions from high school to college (p. 233-234). New York: Routledge.
- Director, Summer English Language Studies, College Writing Programs, University of California, Berkeley
- Managing Editor, The CATESOL Journal(link is external)
- Review Board, TESOL Journal(link is external)
- Review Board, TESL-EJ, An Electronic Journal on Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language(link is external)
- Reviewer, Journal of Second Language Writing(link is external)
- Member, North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association(link is external)
- Member, American Association of Applied Linguists (AAAL)
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