David McCormick


David McCormick began his journey as an ESL teacher during a one-year stay in Brazil, where he confirmed how much he enjoys interacting with people from other cultures, as well as his love of second language learning and teaching. After earning an MA in TESOL from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey in 2004, David spent several years teaching at Yonsei University in South Korea, where he honed his skills teaching English grammar and oral communication. David became a full-time faculty member at Foothill College in 2014 where he has continued to develop expertise in composition and reading pedagogy, with an emphasis on cross-cultural awareness and communication. Other notable professional highlights in recent years include teaching at Stanford University, UC Santa Cruz, Stony Brook University, Fordham University, and the City University of New York (the latter three occurred during a leave of absence from Foothill taken while his wife worked on her own career in New York City). 
