Jonathan Lang received his Ph.D. in comparative literature from Princeton University where he was a Mellon scholar.
His classes at Berkeley focus on English and American literature from the 19th century to the modern period and provide an introduction to contemporary visual studies in film and media.
He teaches Reading & Composition courses in College Writing and in the Global Edge London program whose core literacy courses he developed.
As a consultant for the College Board and the Educational Testing Service, he served on the test development committees of the SAT I (Writing) and SAT II (English Composition) exams and currently works in the scoring leadership of the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition exam.
Within the University of California system, he was the Chief Reader for the Analytical Writing Placement Exam, Chair of the AWPE Committee, and a consultant on the University Committee on Preparatory Education (UCOPE) for five years. He currently directs local campus equivalent: the Berkeley Writing Assessment.
He served as a judge for the Atlantic College Board Writing Prize (2015) and the UC Berkeley Library Prize in the same year.
He delivered conference papers most recently at the UC Writing Conference (Irvine 2017, Santa Barbara 2016); and at the European Writing Centers Association (Frankfurt, 2014) for which he received a UC-AFT grant.
He is the current editor of Writing Across Berkeley.