Angela Hume

Angela Hume is a feminist historian, critic, and poet. She holds an MFA in creative writing from St. Mary's College of California and a PhD in English from University of California, Davis. Angela has taught academic and creative writing for a decade and a half. She teaches classes on topics and themes such as environmental and health justice, working-class and multiethnic American literatures, feminist and queer storytelling, and more. Angela is a member organizer with UC-AFT, which represents lecturers and librarians across the University of California, and an advocate with the California Coalition for Women Prisoners. She lives in Oakland.

Publications & Presentations: 

Angela has a new book: Deep Care: The Radical Activists Who Provided Abortions, Defied the Law, and Fought to Keep Clinics Open (AK Press, 2023). A work of public scholarship and a history of medicine, the book tells a story of Bay Area abortion defense—from feminist clinical practice, to underground abortion provision, to street politics and clinic defense—from the 1970s to 2000s. Deep Care has been reviewed or featured at the Guardian, Slate, Ms. Magazine, Truthout, and elsewhere. Angela is also co-editor of the book Ecopoetics: Essays in the Field (U of Iowa P, 2018). Her full-length books of poetry include Middle Time (Omnidawn, 2016) and Interventions for Women (Omnidawn, 2021).
