We would like to invite you to the second Fostering Connections Conference on Saturday, August 9th, 2025, at the UC Berkeley School of Education. This event aims to bring together middle school English teachers, High school English Teachers, Writing Instructors at the college level, Composition Studies scholars, and Graduate Students who teach writing.
For this event, the theme is "Fostering Collaborations." Some questions that proposals might address are:
-What are some successful collaborations between teachers at the high school, middle school, and college level?
-How can collaborations improve the teaching of writing?
-How does collaboration support teachers in developing effective curricula and/or addressing diverse student needs?
The deadline to submit a proposal is March 3rd, 2025. Please use this form to submit your proposal.
You can read more about the conference here.
For further questions email teachingwritingconference@gmail.com.