Certificate: Teaching English to Multilingual Students

Interested in teaching English to multilingual students abroad or in the US? Want to learn more about teaching and learning English? 

Set yourself apart from others applying for positions or promotions:
Earn a certificate -- all online!

Program Overview

College Writing Programs offers a certificate that can be earned by taking five of the following courses.

  • You can take all the courses in one summer, or you can spread them out over two or more summers.
  • Even if you aren’t pursuing a certificate, you are welcome to join any of these classes individually if you are interested.

Berkeley Educating for the 21st Century: Teaching English to Multilingual Students Minor/Certificate


Minor available to L&S students expected in 2025.


All courses are online and asynchronous.

Students will be offered a certificate upon successful completion of five courses. Note: Not all classes may be offered every summer. 

Session A (May 27 - July 3, 2025)

COLWRIT 121: Issues in Teaching English Internationally

Consider relevant academic and professional issues related to effective English language teaching abroad. Through readings, discussions, and assigned projects, you will learn about principles of language policy and planning, linguistics, methodology, and assessment, leading to your responsible engagement in the international community of English language teachers and learners.

COLWRIT 142: Grammar for English Language Instructors

Get the knowledge you need as a future instructor to explain English grammar to learners in your own classroom. You will gain an understanding of the structure of the English language and how to explain grammatical principles clearly so that learners from a variety of language backgrounds can understand.

EDUC C142 (online): Education in a Global World

What are the implications of living in a "global world" for education? How can education be used as a tool to promote global social justice and prosperity? In this course, we will address these and other related questions through collective reading assignments, class discussions, and online collaboration. One hour synchronous online class/week required.

COLWRIT 143: Foundations of Teaching ESL/EFL

Learn about the fundamental principles and practices of English language education in both local and global contexts. This course covers theory and methods behind teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking to diverse populations of English language learners in a variety of academic contexts.

Session D (July 07 - August 15, 2025)

COLWRIT 144: Teaching English as a Second Language: Practicum

Put your research and theoretical knowledge onto practice to support multilingual students’ learning! Course topics will include reflective practices, teacher decision-making, learner-centered classrooms, and general knowledge about language learning. NoteInstructor can assist with practicum placement if students are not currently working with learners in an educational setting.

COLWRIT 145: Creating Materials for English Language Education

Get strategies and practice developing instructional materials and assessment tools in English language teaching in both local and global contexts. This course covers theory and methods behind choosing, adapting, and writing materials that are suitable for diverse populations of English language learners in a variety of academic contexts.

COLWRIT 146: Teaching Online in a Global Context

Gain the skills and knowledge needed as future instructors teaching English online in multiple contexts. Both the possibilities and limitations of online instruction will be addressed: Being able to reach a wider audience of learners than previously possible while finding new ways to engage students and addressing socio-economic differences in access to technology.


For general information about Summer Minors and Certificates: Summer Sessions Website

To register for courses: Summer Sessions Registration 

To express your interest in pursuing the minor: Intention Form: Summer Certificate in Teaching English to Multilingual Students

To receive your certificate: Completion Form: Summer Certificate in Teaching English to Multilingual Students

Questions? Email collegewriting@berkeley.edu