Academic Honesty

The College Writing Program has a zero-tolerance policy regarding plagiarism. Students who submit plagiarized work will be subject to consequences ranging from a grade of "F" on the assignment to suspension from the University. For more on academic dishonesty and its consequences, see the Code of Student Conduct.


The Center for Student Conduct offers the following definition of plagiarism:

"Plagiarism is defined as use of intellectual material produced by another person without acknowledging its source, for example:

  • Wholesale copying of passages from works of others into your homework, essay, term paper, or dissertation without acknowledgment.
  • Use of the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgment.
  • Paraphrasing of another person's characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment."

In addition, College Writing has these definitions of plagiarism:

  • Use of generative AI, such as ChatGPT or Grammarly, to write parts of an assignment without disclosing it.
  • The use of auto-translation, such as Google Translate, to translate passages from another language into English without disclosing it.
  • Submitting assignments written for another class.


The Berkeley Academic Guide states the following about plagiarism and its disciplinary consequences:

"Achievement and proficiency in subject matter include your realization that neither is to be achieved by cheating. An instructor has the right to give you an F on a single assignment produced by cheating without determining whether you have a passing knowledge of the relevant factual material. That is an appropriate academic evaluation for a failure to understand or abide by the basic rules of academic study and inquiry. An instructor has the right to assign a final grade of F for the course if you plagiarized a paper for a portion of the course, even if you have successfully and, presumably, honestly passed the remaining portion of the course. It must be understood that any student who knowingly aids in plagiarism or other cheating, e.g., allowing another student to copy a paper or examination question, is as guilty as the cheating student."